

7712 40th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98115
About Thornton Creek
Fax: 206-252-5301


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桑顿溪的社区伙伴 桑顿溪小学的社区资源和项目



The 学校持续改善计划(C-SIP) is an action plan for each school that identifies the areas a school plans to focus on in the current and coming school year, 他们希望学生达到的成绩目标, 以及学校计划如何合作实现这些目标.

The plans are updated regularly to reflect the strategies being used at each school. This document also serves as the school-wide improvement plan for our Title I schools.


School Report


School Reports show a brief snapshot of a school’s academic growth, student climate, accountability, 家庭和员工敬业度, 以及学校的整体表现. School reports are produced by the State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for each school and district in the state and updated periodically throughout the year as data becomes available.

On state assessments, 期望参加但没有参加的学生, 比如缺席或选择退出, 被算作非精通. 这可能会影响学校的整体水平评级.

Questions about school reports? 联系研究与评估部门 research@1187270.com.



学校气候调查用于改善学校水平, 所有员工都要接受气候调查, students, and families each year. The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring.

Building History



Due to the age of the building or previous asbestos abatement projects, no known Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM) are in the 桑顿溪小学 building. Please inform the asbestos designated person listed below if any suspect materials are discovered.

根据AHERA的要求, 桑顿溪小学 must maintain an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and keep it on file at the school. The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday.

Wendy Couture

Discipline Dashboard

作为西雅图卓越计划的一部分, 十大正规网赌软件战略计划, the district is committed to interrupting disproportionate practices in discipline. To support this work and to increase transparency and accountability, the district has created and published public facing discipline dashboards for each school which became available on November 1, 2021.

Discipline dashboard data reflects the current school year and will be updated quarterly throughout the school year. For questions or concerns, please reach out to the school leader for a specific school.

Academic Year:当前学年.
Actions by Month:按月份和开除类型划分的纪律处分次数.
Attribute: Student Attribute (gender, race/ethnicity, special education served, 504 plan)
Days of Exclusion:排除天数.
Discipline Rate:至少有一次违纪事件的学生人数 divided by count of all enrolled students.
E. Expulsions:学生属性的紧急开除次数.
Exclusion Actions:学生属性的排除操作计数.
Exclusion Days:学生属性的排除天数.
Exclusion Type:短期停牌(SS), 长期停飞(LS), 紧急驱逐(EE), 在校休学(IS), Expulsion (EX), 及临时替代教育环境(IA).
Exclusionary Actions:排他行为的计数.
FERPA Compliance:家庭教育权利和隐私法合规. *
Incidents by Grade:按年级划分的纪律处分次数.
Incidents by Hour:按小时计算的纪律处分次数.
事件的学生属性或支持服务:违纪事件数. Incidents are counted as many times as there are students involved.
每100名学生的事件数:违纪事件数 divided by enrolled students and then multiplied by 100. Incidents are counted as many times as there are students involved.
School Name: School name.
Weapons:违纪事件数 in which a weapon was involved.

*请注意:当一个小组少于10名注册学生时, 至少两个最小组的所有值都将被抑制.



An additional school building was constructed on the site of the existing Stephen Decatur school. 桑顿溪小学, 原来是在迪凯特大楼里, 搬到了新楼. 学校大楼于2016年秋季开放.

Levy Approved : 2013

Budget : $42.8 million

Project Description

This new building is co-located on with the Decatur Elementary School and was constructed to house 桑顿溪小学. The existing school building was preserved to address future elementary growth.

Design elements blend the two schools to create a cohesive campus and include natural turf ballfields and walking track, 有盖游乐设施, playground, an outdoor learning area with raised planter beds and a rain garden.

桑顿溪小学 is expeditionary learning school with a looping grade system that creates distinct learning communities by keeping students with the same teacher and classmates for two grade levels. The building is designed create learning communities of classrooms integrated with open shared-learning spaces. The student dining commons is divided into two areas to provide differently scaled eating and socializing experiences.


能源效率是通过采光实现的, 低碳涂层的高性能窗户, a geothermal heating system and the use of LED light fixtures with occupancy controls.

About BEX

The Building Excellence (BEX) Capital Levy funds projects such as those that modernize or replace aging buildings, 资助学生学习的技术, address earthquake and safety issues and major preventive maintenance needs throughout the district.

The BEX IV Capital Levy was approved by more than 72 percent of Seattle voters in 2013.The BEX V Capital Levy replaces the expiring Levy and will go before voters in February 2019.


2004年,西雅图选民通过了BTA II资本税. The Levy funded nearly 700 facility improvement projects and technology upgrades at every school in the district. 

  • 2011 : Replaced existing boiler with two new condensing boilers for improved energy efficiency. 安装新的循环泵. 安装了新的数字控制. 更换机组通风机. 安装了新的数字恒温器.
  • 2009 :将附楼的屋顶和部分窗户更换, 地板上安装了绝缘材料, attic and walls. New carpet and tiles in classrooms, hallways and auxiliary rooms. 有顶棚的走道与主楼相连. Window roller shades were replaced and classroom door hardware compliant with ADA regulations was installed. Mechanical upgrades included rehabilitation of existing classroom heaters, 减压罩和对流器.


价值1.5亿美元的建筑, Technology and Academics/Athletics (BTA I) capital Levy was approved by voters in February 1998. BTA I funded more than 465 small and large facility projects at every school in the city. 这些项目包括安全和安保升级, roof and window replacements and technology and athletic field upgrades.

  • 2002 :屋顶,抗震升级
  • 2001 :加速技术改进计划

About BTA

The Buildings, Technology and Academics (BTA) Capital Levy supports the district’s long-range plans to upgrade and renovate aging school facilities and address enrollment growth.

BTA IV资本税于2016年获得选民批准. 十大正规网赌软件 will receive these Levy funds from 2017 through 2022.
